Monday, August 13, 2018

 Thanks mom for the new dress!

Hello Everyone! this week has been so crazy and so many exciting things happened! I don't even know where to start.... but i gotta start somewhere so.... lets start on Tuesday haha. 

So on Tuesday we had 3 week followup. That is when all the new missionaries that came in 3 weeks ago and their trainers meet together with president to talk about what has been happening. So I saw Sister Hansen again! She is doing great! We had some more training classes and discussed how we are adjusting to mission life. and you guys guess what....

So remember when before i left i said "no matter what i will never be the designated driver if we get a car because i am the worst driver ever." yeah me too but guess what.... President came up to us after the 3 week follow up meeting and told us he has an extra car waiting for us and gave us permission to go get my driving record at the mission office we can take it home. So because I don't want to melt in the 100 degree weather i took one for the team and got my driving record and we got a car! WOHOOO! And no one is ever allowed to drive the mission cars until they are 2 transfers in but we got permission... BLESSINGS! 

 Our new car! (we named him Mack) 

On Wednesday we had exchanges so I didn't even get to drive the new car haha but it was such a crazy day. So we had exchanges with the STL's but they are in a trio so i had 2 companions that day. Sister Wilcox and sister Adams (who is waiting for her visa to go to the Philippians) so after we had companion study they were having troubles with their SIM card so Sister Wilcox moved the SIM to Sister Adams phone. And guys seriously what are the odds of this happening. Sister Adams phone burned a hole through the SIM card... there was smoke... it was crazy. So we went to the mission office to get a new card and the SIM they were giving us wouldn't work either so eventually we just went to t-mobile. after like 3 hours we finally got it figured out ate dinner and headed to the church.

Then at the church we met with the other sets of missionaries in our district and we went on a tracting blitz. Everyone was assigned a street in our area and just knocked. We got 6 new referrals and i gave out 4 Books of Mormon! MIRACLES! I am so excited to teach all these people! The Lord truly is preparing his elect to hear our message of the gospel. Seriously the first door we knock on a lady opens the door and spills her whole life story to us on her front porch and tells us how much she needs to hear our message and want to go to church. She told us she knows a lot about our religion and just has not been able to find anyone to teach her or tell her where the Sunday service is!? Crazy right! And the Elders taught a lesson to 2 different family's on their street! 

Then Thursday- Saturday we found 2 more new people to teach! you guys the Lords hand is in this work and their is no doubt about it. I am so thankful for the many blessings and opportunities that have been provided for us this week. I cant wait to let you know how the teaching goes. Love you all! till next week! 

our matching shirts 

Love, Sister Bailey :)

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