Friday, August 31, 2018

Hello everyone! So sorry I forgot to remind you that our p day for this week is today instead of last monday! Every 2 transfers we get to go to the temple! So our p day/temple trip is today. It's confusing haha but things will be back to normal again for a while. 

I have got a lot of days to catch you guys up on so bare with me.

Miracle of the week: A set of elders in our district randomly asked if any of us have a large print Book of Mormon for someone they are teaching... Ok no missionary ever just has these lying around. They are heavy to carry around and everyone uses their phone now if they cant read normal print size. BUT of course we just so happened to have a extra large print set to give to them that we have been keeping in our room! We got it for someone we taught who couldn't read small print but she didn't want it anymore so we just had it lying around. I'm telling ya, you just gotta stay positive because when one door closes that leads to another door opened. What are the odds of that!? Recent update: the people they needed it for have a set date coming up to be baptized!

Sharon: She is still very interested in what we are teaching her and keeping the commitments we extend. BUT we just found out she has to move to Caldwell.... we will have to refer her over to the sisters in that area. I think that's where sister Hansen is though! Maybe she can take over and teach Sharon. I'm not sure how long it will take to complete the move but I am so sad to see her go :( How cool would that be if next transfer I get moved to Caldwell and can keep teaching her! I'm excited to see what new doors open for us now.

Jaelyn: She was a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints but fell away at 16. She is going through a hard time right now and has decided for herself she wanted to come back and be more involved with the church. So Cool! She has 3 kids, a 9 year old, 8 year old, and a 5 year old. We go over and teach her the lessons every Wednesday to rekindle her desire, testimony, and understanding of the church. The first time we came the 9 year old was watching tv and she told him he had to turn it off so they could listen to us. He was very reluctant and stormed out when he didn't get his way and sat on the porch. The windows were open so he could still hear us though. We started a normal lesson about the Restoration of the church. Almost less than 2 minutes, he slowly came in and sat down with us. He looked so interested and made eye contact with us the whole time. We asked if they had any questions so far and you could tell he had a few on his mind but wasn't sure if he should say anything. His mom saw it too and assured them that they could ask us anything. He started asking so many deep questions and I was so amazed. He asked about our Heavenly Father, how we can talk to him, how does he answer us, and what if he doesn't answer us. He even shared personal experiences. This little 9 year old! It was such a cool experience and everyone felt the spirit so strongly.

Farmers market: We had our second week at the farmers market and our family history booth is a hit! We have had lots of people stop by the family history center recently which is fantastic! People seem to be very interested in family history and I don't blame them... it gets addicting haha! We have 3 more weeks at the farmers market and we will see how it turns out!

Church: So ya know how we cover 2 wards the 20th and 24th wards. BOTH of the bishops in each ward just got changed! It was such a cool experience. I was still just getting to know the old bishops but as they bore their testimony you could just feel the love that they had for the ward and the wards love for them. I am excited to get to know the new bishops now and see what happenes!

Exchanges: I LOVE EXCHANGES! That means we get to switch and each of us spends the day with one of our sister training leaders for 24 hours. Sister Estes went with Sister Sanders in her area and Sister Abbott came here to our area. Which meant I had to lead the area... :0 but it was an awesome and very packed day! I love exchanges because we get to learn so many new things/ideas from the other sisters. Then come together with our real companions and share what we learned and try to apply it in ourselves.

Thought of the week: proverbs 3:5. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
When things arent going as planned we need to remremember to take a step back and put our trust in the Lord. We can't see the big picture and understand what he has planned for us. Don't lean unto your own understanding. I know that I can't be a missionary on my own, once i do all that I can, then I have to put all my trust and Faith in the Lord and rely on him to help guide me. When one door closes always keep in mind that it is just another opportunity for another door to open. I know that as we continue to work and put our trust in the Lord, he will bless us with peace and comfort and he will be with you through the ups and downs of this life.

Love you all!
Sister Bailey :) 
WE FOUND LAMAS (I don't remember if I sent this pic yet but LAMAS)

 I milked a goat!!!!!!
 the goats love me (midnight and bambi)

 Mom! I found lots of chickens! And I'm not scared to pick them up anymore.

 I love the goats

The kids ride the goats HAHA

Found a golden pic from last time when we went fishing I thought I should send 
 We got a box of free peaches from a guy selling them at the farmers market so we gave some to our neighbors with a nice note! (Also baked peaches are the yummiest ever, you gotta try them sometime.

Sister Abbott (our sister training leader when we were on exchanges)

  Little Caesar's pizza with McDonald's chicken nuggets on top... you guys, it's actually so good! (This is a 40 lb mission) 

 A little girl in our ward wrote her testimony in this book of Mormon for her friend and it is the purest thing.

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