Monday, August 27, 2018

Hello! This week has been amazing! We live across the street from one of the familys we teach, the Subieno family. Missionaries have been teaching them but they have not been able to get baptized yet because they are not married and can't move out due to financial struggles. We were talking with Tammy (the mom) a few days earlier and she invited us to come for dinner with her and her son while everyone else was gone on vacation! We were able to eat and share a message with them. They also invited us over on Sunday to read scriptures with them after church! It is amazing to see how much they are willing to learn and grow and how much faith they put in Heavenly Father.

 On Tuesday we went out tracting all day in the 24th ward and just stopped by to visit people. We were just about to head to our dinner appointment but just as we did we got a call and they weren't able to feed us that night, so we started for the long walk home. We were about half way home and a lady (sister Potter) pulled over and asked us if we needed a ride. We gratefully accepted and she saw we were sweating like crazy from walking all day in the heat so she took us to the gas station to buy us a drink. So nice! She randomly asks if we had dinner yet and we say we were just heading home for dinner and immediately says oh no im gonna take you to dinner. She takes us to the yummiest sandwich shop that a guy in her ward owns. And keeps telling us about how she drove past us and was thinking oh they will be fine but then she said the spirit told her "NO go pick them up!" And how she is praying to be able to follow the prompting of the spirit and always be in tune with the spirit. TENDER MERCIES! 

 mama Potter 

Mama Potter and her family 

When we finished dinner sister Potter dropped us off at a less active familys home that we were going to teach and it turned out that we weren't able to teach them that night. Right as we started walking away we got a call from a lady who sounded very frantic and needed our help desperately. She needed help moving a bunch of boxes furniture out of her house before 8 am the next morning. She told us that everyone who said they could help backed out at the last second. Immediately we thought if sister Potter. We didn't want to bug her again today but we felt so strongly to ask her if she knows anyone who could help us. She was able to come help along with her husband and 5 sons! HUGE TENDER MERCY! There is no way sister Estes and I could move all that heavy furniture and the 80 pound tv out of the house. Heavenly Father knew that sister needed our help that night and put sister Potter in our path for that reason. So cool!

On Wednesday we went to visit Wanda with our large print scriptures but sadly she is not receptive or open to hearing about our church anymore. She likes that we share messages about Jesus and only likes when we teach from the bible. She is not open to us teaching from the book of Mormon anymore. We tried showing her that the Lord has provided us with more scriptures but she is not willing to listen or ask heavenly father if it is true or if the church is true. :( we will continue to show her love but we can not keep teaching her because our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them to receive the restored gospel and we need to continue to teach others. 

On Thursday Sister potter randomly took us to yogurt court after dinner and we saw Natalie Johnson working there! (one of our old investigators that we never got to teach because she was always working) We were able to catch up with her and she invited us to come start teaching her again! How cool is that! After our frozen yogurt we felt like we should share a message with mama potter (who we found out also has a daughter our age on a mission in Georgia) we were able to share what she needed to hear and we could all feel the spirit so strongly. She took us home and gave us a huge hug and said we were the answer to her prayers...when she was seriously the answer to ours!

This week we also got to have a zone conference! It was Nampa east district (us) and the Caldwell district combined. And guess what.... Sister Hansen is in the Caldwell district! I got to see her and catch up and it was the best ever! Zone conference lasted all day pretty much. It was from 10am-4pm. Then we went to dinner. Our mission president is so Awesome! We talked a lot about the importance of making goals. We also got to hear the testimony of the 3 missionaries leaving to go home and it was amazing. They are so spiritual. This week has been crazy and filled with so much excitement and tender mercies. I am so grateful that we have a loving Heavenly Father who is mindful of everyone and their prayers. Sometimes we get answers right away and sometimes it takes a while to realize why certain things happened. But if we continue to show faith, the Lord will always provide a way for us and we will be able to to all things according to his will.

1 Nephi 7:12 "Yea, and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him? Wherefore, let us be faithful to him." 
 the animals love hearing our messages 

the Hawkers got a new puppy! 

 they let me touch this cute horse!

I hope you all had a great week! Love you all!
Sister Bailey :)

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