Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I Have Learned So Much

This week has been busy. I have learned so much!

Things I learned this week:
1. How to fill a tire with air
2. we need to pray specifically... Very specifically
3. tender mercies are real and heavenly father ALWAYS comes in clutch
4. by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass
5. I know enough

     This week we have had so many tender mercies. (or at least we started noticing them more) Sister Estes and I were planning on watching the face to face with Elder Cook BUT turned out we went to the wrong church building that was showing it and missed it... Tender mercy: A couple in the ward we are serving in happened to be there. They pointed out that our tire looked like it was running out of air. They gave us their tire air measure thingy and told us where we could get free air. So on Monday we went to the gas station and could not for the life of us figure out how to make the air go.... Tender mercy #2 our zone leaders were close by and were able to teach us how to do it!
 fillin up the tires with air like a pro

      I was talking with one of our AP's and he spilled all of his secrets about prayer. One thing that stood out was that we need to pray VERY specifically, with faith. Like to the point of asking to find a family with 2 kids to be walking on the street that we will be on, that could use our help. I thought why not give it a try and guess what.... IT WORKS! I encourage you to give it a try, because why not? You will come closer to your heavenly father as you do. It reminds me of the story when the Lord asked the brother of Jared "what will ye that I should do?" and the brother of Jared said to touch the stones so they light up, and he did. The Lord trusts our choices and if we show faith he will provide the rest.

     We have been teaching a lady named Tina and she is well read in the Bible.... Very well read in the Bible. Her father is a member but her mother is a christian. As Tina grew up her father was less-active so she went to church with her mom. Her dad is now active and referred her to us. Tina wants to understand all different religions but she cannot shake anything she knows unless it follows along with the Bible. We have been teaching her the lessons and we KNOW she is feeling the spirit testify to her that what we are saying is true but she keeps referring to a scripture in the bible that says she cannot trust the feelings she gets because they are deceiving. We have a plan for next week on what to do but we will keep you updated. Anyways this one day we went to teach Tina I left feeling super discouraged. Because I know I'm not a scholar and I don't know everything that I could. I know that as we teach the spirit can't guide us in what to say unless we first study. I have been studying like mad since I got here every chance I get. Right when we got home for lunch I grabbed all of my study materials and I had so many random questions. (Random things I wanted to know that didn't matter) I knew I had the main core doctrines down but I didn't know everything. Sister Estes is the best (this is one of the reasons I know Heavenly Father put us together) she handed me this conference talk called "you know enough!" and I learned that all we need to do is testify and do the best that we can at the time and know Heavenly Father has a plan and we need to trust him. It is always good to study but we need to focus on the important things not "how did Ephraim get his revelations" haha

     The same day we taught Tina we tried to visit others in the area and no one was home or didn't want anything to do with us. It was a super rough morning. I was telling sister Estes I was like, "I literally just need someone to smile at us or to see a member and have a friendly chat real quick to boost me up haha. You guys literally 5 minutes later we were driving out to visit someone. A random guy made eye contact with us for the 3 seconds we drove past and had a huge smile and waved. HEAVENLY FATHER LOVES US. He is watching out for us and our needs!

      1 Nephi 1:20. Tender mercies are little things that Heavenly Father places in our path for us. Like a little post card saying hey I'm here for you! We may not notice them a whole lot because they are so small. I encourage you this week to try to notice the tender mercies you see throughout the day and write them down. They seem small but as you continue to write them down in the long run they truly will be great. "by small and simple things. are great things brought to pass."
Sister Bailey

we have a mission competition where the mission committee posts a challenge we have to complete everyday and one was to take a Pic of a favorite scripture story,  so we did king Benjamin

one of the many fields of idaho

                                                     my favorite quote of the week

my favorite from the challenge Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego

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