Monday, September 24, 2018

Spiritual Promptings

 Hi everyone! I hope you had a fantastic week :) I have a lot to catch you up on, so bare with me... I'm gonna go day by day.

Tuesday: We went to visit Sharon one last time before she moved, and helped her box up some of her last items she wants to give away to charity. We only had 20 ish minutes to do this because we had a meeting with our district right after. I was worried that we wouldn't have enough time to box the stuff because we wanted to leave her with a quick scripture/thought before we left. HUGE TENDER MERCY. We were able to work hard and finish packing all the rest of the stuff with 5 minutes to spare. We went on planning to share a specific scripture to her but for some reason I felt so strongly that we needed to share 1 Samuel 16:7. Sis Estes was so confused because I just started reading it haha but she followed along and it was PERFECT! Sharon told us of an experience she had this week and how she needed that scripture. Somehow our discussion led to how she feels bad that she has so many questions because it's not showing faith, and we were able to assure her how questions are a good thing and the restoration of our church all happened because Joseph Smith had a question. And we invited her to pray with real intent, more earnestly than ever. She wants us to refer the missionaries in her new area to her, hopefully she keeps us updated! All of this happened in 5 minutes! Miracle!
1 more thing for Monday we were out visiting and we walk by a house. The sisters before us taught the people in this house. They told us not to go back because the boyfriend does not like people from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints, and he is very aggressive and mean. BUT naturally, we get a prompting to go knock on the door.... We get all of our courage up and go knock..... The boyfriend answers.... HE WAS SO NICE! Heavenly Father totally softened his heart and we asked if his girlfriend was home (the one who took the lessons) and he said she was gone but he would let her know we stopped by. We got to share a scripture and set a time to come back!

Wednesday: We were out tracting in the 24th ward. We were about to head back to our car for our dinner appointment and felt prompted to knock on this one random house before... So we did... Guess what! It turns out this family just moved here and they are members! Their records haven't switched over so we were able to meet them and let them know when church was because they didn't know. We also found out that one of their family friends moved across the street with them, who's records also haven't switched. Crazy!

Thursday: We went to teach Carrie and Violet a lesson (Violet is a recent convert who just went through the temple! And Carrie is her granddaughter, she wants to gets baptized but her mom is making her wait a year to make sure) we started over on the book of Mormon last week and read and discussed chapter one of first Nephi. We got back this week and they read all the way to chapter 6!? They are so righteous! After our dinner appointment that night we were walking over to the other subdivision of 20th ward. On our way we ran into brother Smith out for a walk with his kids. We talked for a little then they were about to leave and this happens...
Brother smith: hey kids remember the story of Samuel the Lamanite?
Kids: yeah he stood on the wall and the arrows didn't get him
Brother smith: *grabs a few berries from the tree and hands some to them* let's see if that works with the missionaries
They all started throwing berries! Haha

Friday: Sister Estes is the coolest. She found a scripture of today's date. 2 Nephi 9:21 (sep. 21st) we used it while we tracted today! We only got to share it with a few people but she truly was inspired! We were out walking and saw a guy in his garage cleaning out camping supplies.
Me: oh hey a captive audience let's go!
Estes: naw he's a member, less active though
Me: *doesn't hear her and is already walking towards him
Me: hi! How's it going!?
Him: pretty good
Me:oh cool did you just get back from camping
Him:yeah (he told me where but I forgot)
Me: cool! Well we are the sister missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints..
Him:yeah I know I'm a member
Me: oh sorry I'm still new and getting to know everyone I haven't seen you around! Well do you mind if we share a scripture with you?
Estes:reads 2 Nephi 9:21
We share our testimony and he said he really appreciated it and it was perfect and just what he needed BC one of his family members just died. Wow.

Saturday: we had our last day at our farmers market booth set up! It was so fun we had a cardboard cutout of different people and holes to put your faces haha it was awesome! Then we went to a group companion study and learned how we can better follow spiritual prompting which was perfect because we had to teach elders quorum Sunday on that topic hahaha. Then we went tracting again in 20th ward haha we got to this one house and a lady came out screaming at us because she doesn't want to buy anything and we told her we weren't selling anything and she just kept yelling we'll I don't care don't come back! And came out and pushed us away... She went back inside and we kept walking... I said a silent prayer, something like "Heavenly father that lady was really scary and I'm sorry if I didn't say everything that I should have but please help me to have the courage and strength to keep going." low an behold a lady in our ward was out walking with her baby and she stopped and we talked and she was so nice and just what I needed to keep me going. Heavenly Father knew I needed that little pick up conversation so I could keep up my motivation!

Sunday: We had the primary program today! The kids are so cute up there! Their little testimonies really touched me. No matter how simple you testify the spirit will be there. Then we taught elders quorum..... IT WAS THE SCARIEST THING EVER! The beginning of our lesson was rough because there was this one guy in the back that kept stopping us and giving snarky comments lol but as we kept going people have really good insights and stories and the spirit was with us! After the elders quorum president came up and said that was the most spiritual lesson they have had in a while. And the people that commented never comment and are on their phones all the time. And that guy who gave all the snarky comments said at the end of the lesson how grateful he is for the sister missionaries. This week has been the bestttttt!
Teaching Elders Quorum 

If you haven't read this talk recently I encourage you to read President Eyring's conference talk, "His spirit to be with you" I have learned the importance of following the promptings we get. As we 1.remember our Savior and 2. Follow the commandments we can always have the spirit to be with us. I challenge you this week to read that talk and to focus and learn how the spirit speaks to you. As you follow the promptings from the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father will be able to trust you and you can be guided to bless the lives of so many people.

Love you,
Sister Bailey :)

 Found a cool wall at the farmers market but No one remembered to take a Pic of our booth :( 

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