Monday, October 8, 2018

Chop Chop...Rock Drops

Hi friends!
First things first, I found out Sister Bubert has her license in cosmetology! So she chopped all my hair off again haha! She is so good! This week has been a super cool experience. It's so weird switching companions, but she has lots of awesome new ideas that I am so pumped to try.
Sister Bubert chopping my hair off

The after math

Tuesday: We tried meeting with Sharon but she had to leave so people could look at her house, because she is moving. But it gave us time to go get our car breaks checked! For the longest time the car has been making weird noises when we brake and we had no idea why, so we took it in and apparently there is nothing wrong!? They even test drove it and didn't hear anything!? We were so confused but headed out and for a while we didn't hear anything but then it started making weird noises again! We decided the professionals know what they are talking about so it's fine haha. Then we went to try to visit one of our potential people and we went to their house... You guys... They literally looked through the window, we made eye contact, and they didn't open the door.... What the heck! Haha but it's OK we kept walking down back to our car and came across this family outside who only spoke Spanish. Sister Bubert was a Spanish speaking missionary at one point in the mission so she could talk to them and they were super friendly. Here's where the crazy part kicks in. I took French in high school and the most Spanish I know is:  no me gusta, tu necesita un perro, and how to count to 10. no joke I was able to understand the whole conversation. I told Sister Bubert, "I think I just understood that whole conversation...." and she was like what did we say? And I told her and she said I was right and I got everything! What!? But wait it gets better.... We went to our other ward to try to visit some "unable to contacts" and we came across one other house where the wife speaks only Spanish and the husband wasn't home. Sister Bubert stepped in like a pro again. I understood everything! I'm determined to learn Spanish now! It's so useful in this area! Also we got to switch designated driver so I don't have to drive anymore! YAY! but I feel bad.... I am so bad with directions and I keep getting us lost.
 new bikes

Thursday: since I kept getting us lost we had to figure out a way to save miles. We walked an hour to dinner and it started raining on us. It was so cold! A lady in another ward stopped and gave us a ride. Turns out her daughter is a friend of mine from byui and just left on her mission! It was so cool! Since they gave us a ride we had about 30 min. till dinner so we started knocking. We found a senior named Aiden. He is living with his grandparents and met elders before but wasn't able to talk with hem much, he said the message we talked about is just what he needed in his life right now! Then we met with another lady who is friends with a family in the ward. She said she is not interested at the moment but we let her know she is always welcome to come and see what happens at our church. She didn't know that anyone is welcome to come, so maybe we will see her soon!
walking in the freezing rain haha
Friday: we met with both of the wards Young Men and Young Women presidents to discuss the needs of the youth. We are trying to get more involved with them and motivate them to go on missions! We also got to meet with Sharon today because we couldn't before. We were able to talk about General Conference and she said she would watch it! We will see! We met with one of the less active members in our ward and she said she would teach us how to Crochet! So stoked! Also today we found another senior in high school (Kiara) who was interested in our message! She took a book of Mormon and scheduled a time for us to come back!

Saturday/Sunday: we went to the Cluff family, the Wood family, and the Hawker Family to watch conference... Ok conference was amazing! The new changes, I'm blown away. We truly have living prophets on the earth today. This is truly Christ's church on the earth, and he is guiding us through His servants the prophets. As we heed their council with our whole heart we will be blessed tremendously.
Love you all!

-Sister Bailey :)

Funny things that happened: 
1. we were saying our prayers before breakfast and the people we live with have a new puppy, named snowy. Snowy jumped up and grabbed the table cloth pulling our bowls of cereal, and the vase in the middle of the table along with it! We barely caught the bowls in time before they fell off! 
2. Snowy has been bringing in rocks from outside and chewing on them... It reminds me of the chicken, hay hay, from Moana eating the rocks hahaha we will just be chillin and all of a sudden we hear a big thud and take the rock from him constantly hahaha.

                              found this mailbox that was taller than sister Bubert lol

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