Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Fall is here!!!!

This week has definitely been an adventure, I'll tell ya that haha. So this week (since we car share) the other sisters had the car and we had bikes. I was kind of pumped about this because I have never used bikes yet and it made me feel like a real life missionary...even though I am... But like 
"the classic missionary" so now I'm gonna tell you about how that went...

 So it's our first day out (Tuesday, because our prep day is Monday) it has already been pouring all night and all morning. We get our rain coats/snow coats, tights, and boots and head out. #tendermercy, right as we are about to head out it stopped raining! So we are chuggin along to the other ward and Sister Bubert is following behind me. I looked back to make sure she was still there and right as a turn back around.... there was a huge puddle and no way around it... Rode straight through it soaking wet haha but wait there's more, I look at our tires and both of them were Filled with goat heads! 😂😂😂 So we weren't being very smart and we were like, "oh it's ok we can just pull em out and keep going" .... Nope haha both tires just deflated in a snap. Realizing that plan was a bust, we headed to the nearest members home. (this is rural farm areas and neighbors aren't very close together) the closest member was a lady in an assisted living home who wouldn't be able to drive us and our bikes back *face palm*
you can't tell but it was raining

OK so at this point it's still pouring rain, we found some shelter and called anyone we could think of and we finally got a hold of sister Roetto, the relief society president. She took us and our bikes home and took us back up for our appointment. Miracle! She wasn't even supposed to be home but the rain brought her back!

      Our appointment was for a referral that we got for a lady in our area, and we had a set time to meet. We got to her house and she wasn't home!!! :( This was one of the places where there is a trailer park so the neighbors are closer together, so we tracted around there. We ended up finding 2 new people to teach! But we later brought it up in our ward council.... Found out we aren't allowed to go in there because of previous dealings with that specific area.... Dang it!

     This week we have also spent a lot of time getting to know the members better, we got to stop by a lot of homes that we aren't familiar with and share a message with them about general conference. It has been a really cool experience as we come closer with the people of our ward and their willingness to help with missionary work!

     On Wednesday we got to visit a lady in our ward who has not been coming lately, we visited with her before and found out she loved to crochet , so we got some yarn and a needle and she taught us how to do it! She was very patient with me thank goodness because it took a while to figure it out.... But now I am addicted! Haha it's so fun!

     I talked a little bit about how we met Aiden last week, but we were able to come back and teach him about the restoration of our church! We had Anna join us, (she is in the Elders ward and just got her mission call to Canada, Calgary!) we were able to teach Aiden but we had to stay on the front porch and it was soooooo cold. But as we were teaching we could tell he was feeling the spirit and understood the importance of what we were teaching. He said that he would continue reading the scriptures and pray to know if what we taught him was true! I know that he will get his answer and I am so excited to meet with him again this week.
 On Sunday we went to primary, the singing time teacher asked the kids "what does it mean when we sing 'would my words be true and kind?' " a kid raises his hand* " hey, guess what, my mom let's me play outside!" *other kid "hey no way my mom let's me play outside too!" singing time teacher face palms haha. Its so funny how kids get excited for the littlest things. Well it seems little to us as we get older, but I remember when I was younger (from what my sister told me) I said a prayer and one thing I thanked Heavenly Father for was doors that open and close to let us in and out haha as we get older we take things for granted, like getting to play outside. But it seems easier for younger kids to recognize these blessings. We need to make sure that we are always thanking Heavenly Father through prayer for all of our many blessings and tender mercies. Even if it's something as small as having doors that open and close, or getting to play outside. Haha
Doctrine and covenants 78:19
19. And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.

Sister Bailey :)
colorful leaves

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