Wednesday, October 24, 2018

I Have Been Shot!!!!

Rainy Day
This week we:
1. Found a new person
2. Drank raw milk
3. Found out what that peanut butter smell was
5. Had zone conference
6. Got shot
7. Had stake conference

Not necessarily all in that order.
New person: We have been struggling with finding people to teach this week. I think that is the biggest struggle with this mission. Everyone has heard of our church and already decided that it's not for them, without fully knowing what we believe. We have been trying to work through members a lot to get referrals and that is how we found Ida. We went to visit Ida and she said we could come back and teach her more and she already had a book of Mormon. She said she would read it but we will see what happens.

Raw milk: Since we started working with the members and getting to know them more we met with each of the different auxiliary presidents to talk about the needs of each group, and how we can help them. We met with Sister Danes (the relief society pres.) and she gave us raw milk for the first time. We compared it to her other regular milks haha I felt like Napolian Dynamite when he taste tests all the different milks to figure out which one is which. She assured us that it was legal, and I didn't know that it could be illegal to have raw milk.... So that kind of sketched me out but it's fine haha.

It smells like peanut butter: we were out and about one night just visiting some people and we smell this super strong smell of peanut butter... We found out that on the other side of these houses was a sugar beet field! I didn't even know what sugar beets were... But they look like potatoes and smell like peanut butter haha I learn new farming things everyday!

Zone Conference: this week we had zone conference where we got together with our zone (Nampa East) and the Caldwell Zone. I saw Sister Hansen again!!! But forgot to take a Pic... *face palm but I learned so many new things! At the end we all shared a part from general conference that stood out to us and our testimony. I shared about Elder Rasbands talk "be not troubled" one thing that he shared specifically was that if we stand in holy places there will be no room for fear, because of Gods love for us. The scripture that he quoted with that was Moroni 8:10, "for perfect love casteth out all fear." I was thinking about this and he said as we stand in holy places there will be no room for fear. Before when I heard holy places I thought of the temple and, church... But i later realized that we can stand in holy places wherever we go... Wherever the spirit is, that is a holy place, if we have the spirit with us always we can always stand in holy places, weather in your home, on your knees, or teaching people about the gospel. I have a lot of fear of not knowing what to say to people or if I will be able to teach as the Savior taught when he was on the earth. But I now know that if I constantly strive to have the spirit with me there will be no room for fear, because we will feel God's love so strongly.

We got shot: Sister Homer is our mission nurse and she brought a surprise for us all at zone conference. A flu shot.... For everyone... We of course had our own agency to choose to have it or not but... It was strongly encouraged... So of course we all got it. I've been shot and my arm is so sore still. Wow the struggles of the Idaho Nampa missionaries...

Stake conference: this week we also had stake conference! It was amazing! On the Sunday morning session all the missionaries sat on the stage with the youth choir to sing. One of the songs we sang was the song that President Nelson wrote, "our prayer to thee", it was such a cool experience getting to know the youth better. On the Saturday session we had a group discussion and talked about trials. One thing that stood out to me was that we are each given trials for a reason. We can overcome those trials through our Savior and then we can share those experiences and testimonies with others to bring them closer to Christ.

I love you all and hope you have a great day!

Sister Bailey :)

So sorry I slacked on pics for this week... But here's a Pic from a rainy day

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