Monday, July 8, 2019

The Biggest Small Town

***Sister Karsten and I at our "meet the new mission president meeting"

President Nygaard: "I'm going to have each of you come up and shake my hand one at a time, row by row, so I can get to know you"

Internal thoughts: Sahweeeet now is my time to shine, easy first impression i don't even need to say anything... just smile and wave boys...easy A+

*goes up and shakes his hand in the weirdest way possible.... face palm

President Nygaard: smiles and goes to pat me on the back

Sister Karsten: *thinks he is going for a handshake instead of a pat on the back...awkwardly shakes his hand...double face palm lol

Welp now his first impression of our companionship is that we are a mess haha

We got to meet President Nygaard! You guys he is actually super cool! But there was one thing he told us that troubled me a bit at first. He said, "Hymns and music bring the spirit so strongly, I love music and as a mission i want you to focus on hymns and sharing their powerful message with others." He also mentioned how he would randomly call on someone every once in a while to share their favorite hymn verses and why.

My thoughts: "...great... he is literally going to make us sing in front of everyone and their I have to tell him that if I sing to anyone they will never want to learn about the gospel and they will think we are wackadoodles"

Naturally I thought of the worst scenario possible Haha but luckily that's not what he meant. He continued on in a very inspired message about the power of music when centered on Jesus Christ.

****I have no clue how to transition this part of the email with the next main event that happened this week****

IT WAS 4TH OF JULY!!!! I remember last 4th being in the MTC when they let us stay out till 10:30 pm to watch the fire works Haha and I thought that was a party! This year they had the biggest small town celebration in Haines! Literally the whole city of Baker shuts down and everyone goes to Haines. If you wanna find anyone this is where they are at. They had a morning parade, then we had a bbq lunch at a members home, then the best part... the rodeo! They had everything from cow hide races to bucking Broncos to straight bull riding! I felt like I just got off trek after the rodeo because of all the dust/dirt that was kicked up lol. Even though this is nothing like what we do at home I felt right at home. It was SO FUN! And we found so many people we have been trying to get in contact with but have not been able too! Sister Karsten got a little bit... a lot bit sunburned.

****once again I have no clue how to transition this part of the email with the next main event that happened this week****

We had exchanges with our STLs and since we are so far out they both stayed and worked in Baker with us this week, then the next time we both go and work in their area. So we got double the work done which was awesome! We decided to do some park contacting and we drew the plan of salvation in the form so it spells out love. To show that Gods plan for us is a plan of love and happiness. We had a young girl (15 yrs.) come up and linger a bit we started a conversation and she was very sweet. She said she wants to know the answers to the questions, where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. She said she needed to ask her parents if she can be taught by us. And we gave her our number. She said she could meet us in the park for lessons! Miracles!

 Tamey is so funny. She really likes to talk to people. We set up an appointment to teach her but she called and told us she wouldn't be able to meet.... when she called her call lasted about an hour and we still got to teach her over the phone Haha miracles!

Happy news: we found a service opportunity hauling and chopping wood next week!

Sad news: the Millers were out of town the whole week, hopefully we can meet soon!

Random news: every sacrament meeting on Sunday one ward always smells like a camp fire. Every time... It's not the building because the first couple wards don't smell like it. Weird. But I love it.

I hope y'all had a good 4th! Love y'all!

Sister Bailey :)

Chalk Plan of Salvation

Crop Dusting

Literally every one wears cowboy stuff

Haines 4th of July parade

Haines 4th of July Rodeo

Horse kisses

For reals....someone's pet bison

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