Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Baker City here I come !

Hey! So last time I checked in with y'all I was packing my stuff and moving to Baker! I made it! It was a longggggg drive haha but beautiful. My compy, sister Karsten told me when we hit our area....not even kidding it was like an hour into our area before we saw any houses. Basically 3 people live here jkjk. But we live in Baker city part of town. (I'll put a pic of our boundaries at the bottom) we cover Baker 1st ward, Baker 2nd ward, (where we live) Baker Valley ward (30 min away), and Pine Valley Branch (1 hour away).

It's pretty crazy. We only get to work in the branch every other week for a few days because it's so far away. We usually go up every other Thursday and stay the night at a members home over there. We went This Thursday and I got to meet all the members and people we are working with. 

Updates on people we are working with:

Millers: We met tha fam! Well...we met Julie. Larry was out working and she said he would be back by the weekend and they would give us a call or text to meet again. I am so excited to get to know them better! Seriously what are the odds that I get sent to Baker randomly!?

Wesley: he is our recent convert that we have been working with and teaching the new member discussions. He is about 10 years old. We talked about Faith and the importance of it. We have to do a little bit at a time because his mind wanders off a lot Haha. 

AJ and Margaret: we found them as they were sitting on their porch drinking some iced tea enjoying the cooler evening weather. Margaret has found a book of Mormon before and read a bit of it. AJ said he would take one and read it. We invited them to read and pray about it to get a confirmation of its truthfulness. They agreed and said we could come back Saturday evening to talk more about it! 

Judie Fling: she has a brother who joined the church and he invited her to fast and testimony meeting. She was confused as too why everyone was talking about their personal stories and experiences and not about Jesus. I whipped out my scriptures and we shared with her Moroni 6:5,6 and explained the importance of sacrament and how that is how we can remember Jesus every Sunday. She agreed to let us come and teach her about our beliefs and she asked to borrow the restoration movie from our library! 

We are officially the Boise mission....weird.... but good. It feels kind of sad though. We get to meet President Nygaard this Tuesday. I'll let ya know how that goes! 

Fav scripture of the week:
Helaman 5:47 pg. 380 

"Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world."

We truly can experience real, enduring peace at all times as we remember the Savior and follow Him. I would encourage you to find ways to remember the Savior at all times whether that means putting a picture of Him on your wall or always keeping a prayer in your heart. As you do so you will find a greater sense of peace. I love you all! 

Sister Bailey :) 

RIP Idaho Nampa Mission

Idaho Boise Mission Boundaries
Baker City here I come!

Welcome to Oregon

Baker City Oregon

I hope you have a better day than this poor frog 

Seriously fresh milk, straight from the cow!

Sister Karsten

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