Monday, June 24, 2019

'E 'Otua tataki Au

This morning: 
*Alarm goes off, looks at phone 3 missed calls from president
Text from President: "call me ASAP"
Internal thoughts: oh no what did we do....

Phone call w/ prez
Us: heyyyyy president (gulp)
Prez: hey so I have some urgent news...we need sister Bailey to pack up her things and meet us in the mission office in Nampa at 3, she is going to go to of the sisters is having health issues and needs to trade places...(I don't know exactly what he said but something along those lines)

Soooooo I'm going to Baker Oregon!? What in the world???? I still don't know what to think, we went and said goodbye to a few people in our area :( I am SO EXCITED THOUGH! I have no clue what to think!

So....I have officially hit my year mark on the mission.... wow time really goes by fast. I have been thinking a lot about my mission experience as a whole, what I have learned, and how I have grown, who I have met and I have decided I wouldn't change this experience for the world.

One year with president Sorensen and we said our last goodbyes this week at zone conference. I am so pumped to meet our new mission president. I'm excited where he will take the Boise mission as a whole!

Sad news for this week, Harvey went into the hospital :( our zone leaders gave us permission to go and visit him though and that was good! He is home now so everything is ok and he is back to his Harvey self. We got to say goodbye this morning and he was pretty mad Haha he almost called president up himself to cancel the transfer Haha.

We also got to see Mo one last time today, I'm gonna miss her so much! They have been so welcoming and friendly, she is basically my mission mom!

We went on exchanges this week with our STLs and guess what happened! A member took us out to dinner and guess where we went! SUSHI!? in Idaho!? Yeah I was a bit nervous but it ended up being super good! We had the snake river roll Haha.

We were able to find new people to teach and we found so many potential people who would be willing to hear our message about Jesus Christ! We found two families, the Ronquillo's and the Conner family! I am excited to hear what happens with them and hopefully I can come back and visit and check in on them!

I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ so much! I am so grateful that Heavenly Father loves us so much to give us a restoration of the same church Jesus Christ set up when He was on the earth! We would truly be lost without the gospel to guide us. I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father and I know they listen to our prayers and are guiding each of us through this life, so we can return to live with them again!

Love you all!
Sister Bailey :)
Car Selfie!! Sister Liava'a

Harvey and yes he closed his eyes on purpose :)

President and Sister Sorensen

Mission President and his wife
Mo ! 

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