Monday, June 24, 2019

Happy Father's Day

Hey howdy hey! HAPPY FATHERS DAY! WOOWOOWOOWOOOOO I got to talk to dad and it was the best ever! I'm glad to hear everything is going good back home! I'm honor of fathers day here is my fav dad quotes (that I can remember):

"Look its another girl on a motorcycle!... Or it's just an oddly shaped boy wearing pink yoga pants...."

"Ahhhh come on the worst thing you could do to a tomater (tomato) is squish it with an onion..."

*dad sees a pic of lady's dressed up in costumes "....what's she dressed up as... Jaba?"

Haha love you dad!

1. We went on splits with the youth

We got to help out the youth in the Middleton stake and take them out for a full day of missionary work! In reality they helped us way more than we helped them! It was super nice because sister Liava'a and one youth covered 2 wards while Emmie and I worked in the other 2 wards. Double the work, we could have never done it without them! Emmie is heading to Taiwan in t-minus 1 DAY!?!? well the Provo MTC first but Taiwan after! She is going to be so great. She is lovingly bold, which is the perfect mix. We were able to hand out 3 books of Mormon and set a return date for each of them! Miracles!

2. Miracles (Maddie and Zoey)

We thought Maddie fell off the face of the earth... I'm glad we were wrong. My stud of a companion felt prompted to go to her home. I was doubting a bit because we went to visit her so many times this week and no one was home or answering our calls. Miracle! She answered the door! We got a better understanding of her situation and she is still ready and wanting baptism! We are able to continue our lessons now! And as for Zoey WE FINALLY GOT TO MEET HER! She wants to be baptized as well, she just needs to take the lessons, hopefully we will be able to find time in her crazy schedule!

3. Service

Service is literally the best ever. We look forward to seeing Harvey every week. This week we shoveled dirt and planted some trees. Harvey loves his trees as much as he loves cussing. A lot. He's coming to church though! And he even bought new snazzy shoes for church.

4. Real talk
Ok so missionary work has it's up moments and it's down moments. It definitely is not all sunshine and rainbows. Like for example this week. Things were going great, then all of a sudden we can't get a hold of anyone. No one answered. Then finally by the end of the week (yesterday) we got a hold of everyone and you guys it was literally rejection after rejection some harder than others. The hardest part was the people who had the desire to be on date for baptism and take that step closer to Christ want nothing to do with it anymore. The people who were progressing and loving it, want nothing to do with it. I couldn't tell ya. The reason it is so hard on us is because we see them as they can become, and we know what the gospel can do for them, the blessings they could have seen. But my company and I will continue to pray for them as they find their way. We are excited to continue working with Maddie and Zoey!

On a spiritual note here is a fav. Scripture of the week!

Helaman 10:4,5

4 Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done; for I have beheld how thou hast with unwearyingness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments.
5 And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, behold, I will bless thee forever; and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; yea, even that all things shall be done unto thee according to thy word, for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will.

This is one of those scriptures that found me. As I was about to begin personal study I wasn't too sure what to study from in the book of Mormon. I flipped to page 390/391 and decided to start on the chapter heading of that page, chapter 10. I can testify that as we continue doing what the Lord commands us, no matter how tough it can be, he will bless us in his time and give us comfort when needed. I know that He is always there for us and He knows each of us better than we know ourselves.

Always turn to Him!

Sister Bailey :)
Sister Liava'a

Whole Mission with Elder & Sister Anderson

Splits with the youth 

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