Monday, June 24, 2019

Sorry, I'm in Hawaii

Sorry this email is a bit late. It was transfer week! So everyone is transferring around today. Luckily Sister Liava'a and I get to stay together in Star one more transfer at least! Hey wanna know something crazy. By the next time we transfer.... we will be combined into the Boise mission.... and then transfers will be on Thursday instead of Tuesday.... and we will have our new mission president... Weird.
There is so much change happening all around. But it's good.

Ok I'm gonna start out with the coolest news ever because I can't wait to tell you! Elder Andersen... yes Elder Andersen as in Neil L. Andersen (one of the twelve Apostles) , came to the Idaho Nampa Mission and spoke to us missionaries! You guys it was literally the coolest thing ever! And I'm going to go into detail of what happened because I am still raving about it.

So we were able to start off by taking a picture with him as a mission. So we all had to come super early and get in our positions for the picture and not move... I felt like we were back in primary with President Sorensen telling us to sit quietly and reverently. We naturally had a hard time with that so we sang hymns while we waited.
Then Elder Neilson and Elder Walker of the 70 walked in and talked to us for a bit and explained some things to us. After that we were still waiting and we asked if they had a favorite hymn we could sing, sure enough they pick my (@ the moment) all time fav song, Armies of Helaman. We started singing and a few words into the song I start bawling, I can feel the spirit so strongly, 5 sec later Elder Andersen walks in. I looked around and everyone was bawling. I definitely gained a stronger testimony that Jesus Christ truly has called a prophet and apostles to lead and guide us, just from the spirit that was felt.

Ok then we took the picture and as we filed into the chapel, we were able to shake his hand. He talked a lot about how the mission will prepare us to continually be true and faithful disciples of Christ. I definitely got a confirmation of my calling as a missionary and that this is where I am supposed to be right now. So cool!

After this amazing and spirit filled meeting we got to go to the church building right next to the temple for a baptism of someone sister Liava'a used to teach. It was so sweet when he shared his testimony after he was baptized, and you could feel the spirit strongly through him. I know that as you keep your focus on the Savior, no matter how simple it is, your testimony will bless and touch the lives of everyone.

Also miracle time: we had dinner at a members home, and they invited two people we have been working with and teaching! It has always been hard keeping the focus on the message we share, so it was good that we were able to talk during dinner then share a spiritual message after. We will follow up with our invitation we extended this week!

We did some service for Harvey and Mo this week as well. And in return for helping Mo organize her sewing room she made jewelry for us! We are so blessed here!

We taught Leah about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and planned to teach the necessary steps we need to make to follow Christ. When we got there she just woke up from a nap. (she left work early bc she wasn't feeling good) you know when you take a real good nap and you wake up thinking it's the next morning... Haha that's what she thought. We decided to teach just the first principle, faith. By the end she finally woke up all the way and realized what was happening she was excited that we were there haha. We were about to leave to let her get better, but she said the sweetest thing, "what your leaving already? Can you stay longer, I like it when you guys are here it feels good" it made my heart melt. I love the people here so much! 

Oh yeah about the title Haha A lot of the people we have tried to visit this week.... THEY ARE ALL IN HAWAII!? literally everyone. Haha man oh man. That's like all we have been hearing lol.

I hope you have a good week!
Sister Bailey :)

Buddy the dog 

Backyard View


Face Cloud


Sister Liava'a

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