Monday, December 31, 2018

5 Seconds....

     Shout out to mom, we sang  Ring Out Wild Bells in each ward this week haha I remember Kat and I would always make fun of you for liking that Hymn because we thought it talked about a guy dying haha.

So this week has been crazy... In a good and bad way.

First off Christmas was AWESOME! I loved talking with the fam and being able to see Audge before she leaves in 1 DAY!?!?! Ahhhhh!!!! We were able to play a bunch of games, we played mouse trap but it literally took an hour for us to even figure out how to put it together then we ended up just setting off the trap a bunch of times because it was so mesmerizing to watch lol)

Then the very next day we had a service project! We found a family who lives in our ward boundaries but they are not members and they needed help taking down a wall. Yep Construction! (shout out to dad) All those times of "working" with you in the garage when I was little (wearing a tool belt and nailing scrap wood together) paid off! Sister Schoen and I plus 2 of the elders in our district got to help them knock down a wall! I felt like I was in a HGTV show. It took about 5 seconds haha, and if you think about it a lot of things can take 5 seconds...

It takes 5 seconds to decide to turn right or left, jelly or cream filled doughnut, to go somewhere or not. After the service project the very next day. Arlis (the guy we did the service for) wanted to pay if forward and help a friend put up a fence the next day. Sister Schoen and I both felt like we shouldn't go, we had some people we needed to try to contact. (5 second decision). The elders were able to go help him out though.

Long story short they were working next to a machine with a loose knob. Arlis' arm got caught in it and it tore his arm almost completely off .... It could of happened to any of them... We ended up seeing the elders right after it happened and they were still in shock, all they could keep saying was 5 seconds... That's all it took... 5 seconds.... Luckily he is recovering and his arm can be saved. We are continuing to stop by and help in any way that we can.

Sometimes we have struggles and trials for a reason. God gives us weaknesses so we can be humble (Ether 12:27) "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." Coming up to the New year everyone is making new goals. Goals to help them overcome their weaknesses. I don't know about you guys but I usually set my goals for the new year and in a few weeks in or even days it falls through. Sometimes we have a goal to workout every day, some days you might get a full workout, other days it may just be a sit up out of your bed. But you are trying and that's all that you can do. Our Savior knows what we struggle with and He knows that we are trying. As we look to the Savior he will help us accomplish those goals and things we have set to do. I would like to invite ya'll to find a new spiritual goal for this year that you want to accomplish!

Love you all,
Sister Bailey :) 
Swan Falls

Swan Falls

Swan Falls


Talking to Rosie


Football part 2

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