Monday, January 7, 2019

From your soon to be "Boise Mission Missionary"

 Crazy news NEW MISSION BOUNDARIES!? Like what.... We are having a mission wide conference this Tuesday to explain more about it. Bottom line I left on my mission as a Nampa missionary and I'm coming home as a Boise missionary. The Nampa mission will be combining into Boise. Our missionaries will stay together adding 50-60 of the Boise missionaries and the rest are going to other surrounding missions in Idaho. Weird. I know. I will have to keep ya'll updated on that. It will be happening in July. 

This week has been a fun time. We were able to go with Nathan and Brandon to the temple for their first time!!! It was amazing. They seriously are on fire. They did 6 hours of family history to prepare so they could bring their own family names to the temple! Wow. It was such a cool experience to see brother baptizing brother.

For Herri and Stokley we finally got all of the baptism plans finished. They are so excited for their big day coming up! It has been amazing to see how they have grown and progressed throughout the past month. I am excited for the opportunity that they have to receive the priesthood and attend the temple with the new age change!

We also got to finish up Arlis's room in his home! The only part I didn't enjoy was the sanding... Haha It looks great though. Good news he is done with surgery, he has to wait a year for the next one. He will only be able to wiggle his fingers a little bit but it's a step in the right direction.

This week we have been working on finding new people. As we have earnestly looked/studied/prayed we have found so many miracles. Overall we have found 7 new potential people to teach! I am excited to see what happens. Also our mission president exceeded a mission wide challenge. To read "preach my gospel" cover to cover by March, highlighting all of the references to Jesus Christ. In the beginning it says, "Preach My Gospel is as much for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as it is for the full-time missionaries of the Church. The principles and doctrine taught in this guide are applicable to all members as they seek to build the Lord’s kingdom." it is so true! It has been so amazing to see how everything in this gospel is centered on Jesus Christ. I hope ya'll are having a great start to the new year!

Sister Bailey :)
Eating Chili in honor of Hermana Ormonde going to Chile 

Face masks with the District 

Slacks for days......

Nathan and Brandon's Temple trip

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