Thursday, January 17, 2019

Weird Things

There are some weird things that happen here and I just realized we're weird.

1. As we go up to different doors... No matter where we are, we can hear random cows just moo-ing in the background. I tried to get a video but it's too windy to hear them haha. Weird.

2. There is giant stacks of hay everywhere. And there are random hay bails spread around the fields. Weird. 
Random Hay Stacks

3. There are fields. Weird.

4. Every road is a one lane road. Weird

5. Everyone here loves to stare. We will be driving or sitting in our car. People can't even tell we are missionaries we just look like normal people right? They will stop everything they are doing and just stare at you. Especially the kids. Then we try to smile and wave and they don't do anything, they just stare. Weird.

Anyways haha this week has been so good! I'm gonna go a little bit more into detail today.

Tuesday: we had a mission wide conference about the mission boundaries! We got to see all the missionaries in the mission at once! I got to see sister Hansen too! I was very impressed that I already knew a good chunk of the missionaries... Then I realized it's because I have been out for almost 7 months ish haha. Crazy! Time flys. We were able to hear from Elder Firmage! He talked to us about how we are called to serve, we are not called to a place. It was a good topic because we will be now assigned to the Boise mission in July haha. It was very inspiring and uplifting. 
Mission Conference

Idaho Nampa Sister Missionaries

 Wednesday: every Wednesday we have district council and this last Wednesday we talked about charity. We all committed to strengthen that attribute this week. I feel like when you set out for something specific like that Heavenly Father really tests you and Satan really tries to get to you. We have been sharing miracles/hard times we have had to use charity with each other throughout the week. It has been really cool to work together for the same goal and pump each other up.

Thursday: We did service for a charity called "dress em' cute" we have been here before with our district but sister Schoen and I decided to go again because the lady who is in charge of it is in our boundaries and her husband is a member but she is not. She has shown interest in learning more about what we believe so we were able to talk with her a little bit. She shared her amazing story with us and how she started this company.

Friday: we met Johnny. He moved here from Alaska (he was wearing a short sleeve shirt with no shoes in 30 degree weather and FINE!?) weird. And we shared a message with him. He was very nice and said it is important to learn about Christ. He accepted a copy of the book of Mormon and said we can come back to teach him more. I have a good feeling about this one. We also had a mission committee meeting today. We talked about #andone and how we can help the missionaries get pumped for it. President gave us a challenge to find one new person to teach a week. That's hard in Idaho. We have been fasting and praying as a mission and as a result we have seen so many miracles. I'm not sure about throughout the mission but I know our district has had mega success!
We have seen a flood of missionaries post their miracles on our mission Facebook page as well! 

Saturday: Herri and Stokleys baptism!!!! Everything went so perfectly!!! Their family came who don't really want anything to do with the church and their bishop and some deacons from their new ward in Boise came to support! They were both on cloud 9. After they were baptized Stokley leaned over to us and whispered "I feel good inside!" it was the cutest thing in the world. We also got to share the very first message that they learned about, the restoration. As we shared it we saw their mom crying and their dad looked very interested which was cool! But sadly the Boise missionaries are taking over from now on. Also the cutest little girl from the Boise ward came up to me and I chatted with her a bit. After, her dad came up and said that was her first time ever seeing/meeting a sister missionary, and thanked me for talking with her. It melted my heart she was so cute.

Sunday: we are doing this thing called the "yes list" in our stake. The stake president is going to come to every ward for second hour and he is going to introduce the missionaries, share our number, share a spiritual message, and invite people to text us the name of someone they wish was sitting next to them right at that moment. We had this happen in one of our wards this Sunday. 36 total referrals. Only with the adults. We have a stake youth meting where they will do this as well coming up. So cool!!! We also met with a group for a come follow me lesson. Our ward mission leader and his wife put a group together for all the empty nesters. Mom you should do that too haha! It was super cool!

So many miracles this week! I love the gospel. I love our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know they love each of us individually. I know that they live. I know that as we follow the Commandments and continue faithfully we will be able to return to our Heavenly Father again in exaltation, and we will be able to live with our family's forever.

Hope you have a good week!
Sister Bailey :)
Sister Schoen cut her hair...twins

cutest puppy ever...except for Daisy

Shhhooool House (dad do you know what movie?)

Our windshield in the morning

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