Monday, January 21, 2019

Classic California Girl in Idaho

So this week we helped Christine, the owner of a charity called "dress em' cute" we got together with the district to help her organize clothes that she gives to people in need. We have been able to become good friends with her and she has shown a bit of interest in what we are all about as missionaries. We were able to testify about how families can be together while on this earth and after. She has lots of questions and her husband is a member. We hope to be able to set a date to meet with her and start teaching her and being able to answer her questions!

One of sister baileys... moments: during our service with Christine, I found out one important detail that I somehow never knew.... All cows (yeah those weird black and white things) are girls.... Yep.... If you didn't know, now you do. I don't even know how it came up but I though some cows were girls and some were their own little group. The boy cows are bulls..... And bulls are a separate group. My district will never let me live that one down. *face palm

On that note we had tons of BBQ this week, every single day. Haha I don't know what it is but everyone is just in the mood for BBQ. We were able to meet with President Hobbs (elders quorum president) and he had us over for a big BBQ lunch. And we talked about the needs of the elders quorum  and what we could help with. It was a great meeting and we got a lot of names of people we could visit!
We have been able to find more and more people to teach each week!
President Sorensen left us with a challenge a couple weeks ago to find 1 new person to teach each week. So far we have found it to be a huge success without fail! We also had stake correlation with president Sorenson there as well, to announce a new mission wide thing that is happening. We are now having a gathering council (gather scattered Israel) instead of going to ward council. We don't have a big idea of how we are going to accomplish this yet, to be honest I really don't know exactly what it is yet, but its happening and I am so excited!
We talked a little bit more about it in our mission committee group. We are trying to find a way to get the missionaries throughout the mission as well as the members pumped about it. Over all gathering council is the ward mission leader, ward missionaries, relief society president, and elders quorum president, and we all meet together and have a correlation every week.
We also had interviews with President this week and he shared a message to all of the missionaries about "having the faith to reap" it was truly inspiring and uplifting. He talked about how even though we label some areas as "dead" (no work to be done) if we have the faith we can find people everywhere. It really got me pumped for missionary work.
I love the gospel and I love to be able to share it with others. I love all ya'll! Have a great week!
Sister Bailey :)
I LOVE going outside in the morning to see the different beautiful snowflakes on our windshield!

Every and i mean EVERY house has a least one of these guys on the wall...not even joking

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