Thursday, February 14, 2019

Choo Choo.....I am!!

Get it Choo Choo like a train... And I'm training... Haha 

This week has definitely been a wild ride. It was such a sad time saying goodbye to Sister Schoen. She is over in Mcall Oregon now (what we call outer darkness) because no one ever sees the missionaries over there. I most likely won't ever see her again till after the mission, she only has a few months left. It was definitely a blast though.

Tuesday was transfers so I had a temporary companion, Sister Liavaa, until the STLs got into Nampa. I stayed with them for the night and they dropped me off at the church with everyone who works in the mission office while I waited for my companion to get here from the airport!

Side note: a couple days prior to this we found out that we had to move out and find new housing because the lady we lived with had family coming so she needed her rooms back.

So the housing coordinator knew about this and said He would be looking for a place. I assumed they would have a place by the time we had to move out... Haha

Anyways so I met Sister Dunne and she is the cutest ever! I love her so much! We have had such a blast so far and it has only been like 3 days haha. There has been so many adventures. She is from Georgia and we are kind of the same person haha food wise. We like the same things and we both eat so much, but we are always hungry for some reason we need to find more filling snacks. Haha

So anyways her first day into the field and we were homeless... Living out of our car haha it was such a good time. There is a lot of details that you are just gonna have to ask me about when I get home haha...

But as of now we found a place! It's some apartments in Nampa so it's a bit of a drive to Kuna every day but we are just happy it's a place haha.

We also had our last lesson with Nathan and Brandon! They are so ready and we are so happy for them. We found 2 new people we could possibly teach! One guy was out shoveling snow in shorts and a tee shirt!? We chatted for a bit and he accepted a book of Mormon! Sister Dunne is so ready to teach everyone and I love it! We have another appointment with Grace this week! Things have been going so good and I am excited to see how her book of Mormon reading is going! The work is moving along well!

We have been sharing a valentines day message with everyone we come across about God's love. We share the scripture 4 Nephi 1:15. It is just a short scripture but I love it so much because it says there was no contention because of God's love. I feel like everyone desires to not have contention and we can accomplish that through charity. As you truly strive to strengthen or enhance the gift of charity in your life. Heavenly Father will help you. He wants you to have as many gifts as possible so you can go through this life with joy. As you seek for charity you will be able to feel God's love for you and for all of His children around you! I hope you all have a great week!
Sister Bailey :)
For real...SNOWING!!

This was cute kind of but not really haha so we still took a pic with the sign

Sister Dunne

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