Monday, February 18, 2019

French Toast, Shrimp and Chaos

To start off this email I'm gonna talk about toast. French toast. So naturally our district decides to make French toast for breakfast before district council @ the church. We had bacon and potatoes and eggs and French toast, the whole 9 yards. We put one of the elders in charge of cooking the bacon. He heated up the stove and placed the bacon wrapper on the stove next to the pan. A few minutes later we find out he turned on the wrong burner which happened to be the one where the bacon wrapper was sitting.... Smoke happened, and so did the fire alarm.... The firemen were so nice though. We offered some French toast but they said no haha.
French Toast pre-firemen 

French Toast Fire Alarm
Later that day a family bought Chinese food for dinner and I was stoked! After the dinner I found out my companion is allergic to shrimp and shellfish... Even by cross contamination.... We get in the car after dinner and she turns to me and says... "so I'm having an allergic reaction can we go pick up some benadryl..?" super calm!? I was so confused haha she was saying how her reactions move slowly but her throat was slowly closing up... We ended up having to go to the ER, good news our Zone Leaders were able to come and give her a blessing and she was fine the next day :) it was awesome!
Allergic Reaction ER Visit
We also had 2 service projects this week! The first one we did was at dress em cute with some ward members. We were able to talk with Christine and her daughter and get to know them better, I don't even remember why but we were all laughing so hard like the whole time haha it was a blast! The second service project we helped a new family move in! There was a lot of helpers and it was kind of funny because whenever my companion and I came up to grab something from the truck they would always find something mega small or light for us to carry haha i wasn't complaining... it was so funny! They would be carrying a couch or something in and hand us a single couch cushion each hahaha it was the best time! 
Moving cushions LOL
We were also able to find 3 new people to teach! One guy, his name is Lyle and we found him working on his car in his garage. We went to go talk to him and he taught us how to change car breaks and about his family. We were able to share a short message with him and he said he would like us to share more messages with his family! We are so excited to meet all of them! The 2 other people were referrals from a lady in our ward (sister Durrant) we went over with her to get to know them and sister Durrant just straight up asked them if they want to take the lessons and they said yes! It was so cool, no fear!

No fear, that is what sister Dunne and I have been working on this week. To go up to everyone we see and start a conversation can be scary. Rejection is scary, new things are scary. As we press forward with faith... And a good attitude, we can do all things that the Lord commands us! My favorite thing that the Lord commands of us, is to have joy and be happy! John 16:33. As we find the joy in life the fear will leave. This week we have made mistakes, we have had rejection, and we have talked to everyone we see. From doing this we have learned to laugh during/at the hard times and we have found success and joy. I know that as you continue on in faith, trusting in the Lord and his timing, there will be no room for fear in your life, because of God's love for you!
Sister Bailey :) 

P. S. It's legit we can call family every Monday!? I know weird but awesome!
Sister Dunne got to cross off holding a chicken on her mission Bucket list!

just a normal Pic of us haha

the cat we live with (we finally got situated at a members home in Kuna!)

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