Monday, February 25, 2019

Ward Split !?

This week started off with zone conference! It was so fun! We talked a lot about service and the rules about talking with family on p-day and for special events haha shocker. But I always love zone conference so much we are trying to use more often, so we had a special training on how to effectively use that and the technology given to us! After zone conference we had to skidaddle out of there real quick because we had our lesson with Lyle that night (The Barker family)

The Barker family: (we found Lyle working in his garage fixing his brakes and set a return appointment to teach them more) They are the cutest ever. I am so excited to be teaching them, we taught them about the restoration of the church and a little bit about heavenly father's plan of happiness they committed to read the book of Mormon and pray about it to know if it's true. They are so willing to learn and grow. I am excited for them!

Other exciting events:
-A doorbell we rang moo-ed

-All of our wards got split and they created a new ward!?
We all got together and every ward got switched, luckily we didn't lose any of the people we were teaching, but sadly we lost some amazing ward members :( BUT change is so good and the stake presidency is truly inspired. We have new ward names as well! We now cover Avalon ward, Crenshaw ward, and Indian creek ward! We still aren't sure which missionaries will be covering the new ward.

-we had a new person come to church Sunday
She is 17 and came with one of her friends, she was so cute and sweet and we were able to take her to young women's with us while her friend went to young men's. After, she told us how much she loved the class and she appreciated that we taught good values. Which I am so glad about Haha Sister Dunne and I were a bit nervous because that lesson was about the law of Chastity haha We hope to be seeing her again soon though!

-we were invited to a party! It was a great to be 8 party but still a party! Haha we gave a little talk on baptism it was so fun! It's crazy how much knowledge you gain from studying and teaching a lot, we had to find a way to sum up all the important things we had to say to a few minutes Haha! It was a blast and the kids are soooooo cute!

This week sister Dunne and I made a goal this to find more new people to teach so we made a plan to help us reach that goal. We challenged ourselves to be more bold about talking to people. Anyone we see no matter where or what they are doing, or what we are doing, and always share a message with them. Whether they are members not. Heavenly Father truly has been testing us this week to see if we are really in it Haha but has helped us grow a lot. (Miracle we met a family outside and they want us to come back again and they also said their neighbors across the street would want a message too!) It has been hard because we are trying to not have a set scripture in mind to share with everyone, we are striving to follow the spirit more and discern what that individual or family may need at that time. I know that Heavenly father truly knows and loves each of us individually. He has a plan for ALL YA'LL! LOVE YOU!
Sister Bailey :)
Fancy French Toast Breakfast

Kitty Max


 Idaho Farm field 

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