Tuesday, February 5, 2019

So long Schoen :-(

OK so imma going to give ya'll the bad news first. ...

Sad news, transfers are happening and Schoen is leaving (to Mcall! So cool!) . Good news I'm staying in Kuna and training! I will be picking up sister Dunne on Wednesday and I'm staying with the STLs. I'll have to update ya'll about her next week when I meet her.

WE FINALLY TAUGHT GRACE! we were so nervous because she kept putting off our lessons and saying she had questions but she wouldn't tell us anything about her questions until we sat down with her. We couldn't prepare anything. Cool story. Every morning leading up to her lesson I have been praying for guidance on what to study so I can answer her questions. I was reading in preach my gospel where I left off last, it was exactly the chapter that I needed to study for her questions! I have never felt so prepared. She agreed with everything that we said and she committed to reading the book of Mormon and praying specifically about it finally!

We had our last district council this week, sadly almost everyone is leaving but it was the coolest district ever. After Schoen and I made (tried to make) pancakes for everyone. (We didn't have a pan or spatula) It was a wreck but its the thought that counts haha.

Later in the week we went on splits with the cutest girl. She is preparing to go on a mission and we got to teach a part member family. They are very secretive and don't really give direct answers so we still don't really know if they want to learn more haha we will just keep going back lol.

We also did service for Christine again. We are trying to find her some fellowshipers. She is so sweet and tells us that when she schedules us she puts us in her book as her "fav people" I feel blessed haha.

This week has been a wild ride. lots happening. lots of changes. but so good
Sorry this is so short there is lots of moving around today. I love yall!
Sister Bailey
Zone Ice Skating

Zone Ice Skating 2

Listen and Tac-o  about it

Idaho Sunset

hey, hey...HAY !

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