Monday, January 28, 2019


Hello everyone! I'm not to sure how to start this email off so what better way than with a joke.

What's a tacos favorite dance?
*Answer is at the end of the email

Anyways this week we had zone conference! It was a blast! We started out by going outside... Which is not that fun because it's cold haha but we had to practice backing our cars because so many people got into backing accidents! It wasn't me I promise I have not gotten in an accident yet... Which really surprises me! *knock on wood... But it was a funny time. Then we had a few training sessions and ended with a testimony meeting. This was the coolest thing because they asked us to mention one thing we learned about the Savior from our book of Mormon reading challenge from President Nelson, in the form of, "I learned that my Savior is ___________." I learned that my Savior is understanding. He truly has felt what we feel. And Knows how we feel. He rejoices with us when something good happens, or when we are following the commandments, and he mourns with us when we are sad or when we are not following the commandments. He knows how we all feel individually, better than we even know ourselves. And he truly understands. And if we just take his constantly stretched out hand he will guide us and lead us to never-ending happiness. Mosiah 2:41.

On to more fun things this week. We had exchanges with the STL's and I stayed in the area with Sister Zimmerman. She is the coolest ever but she is heading home this next transfer :( we found lots of success and it was a blast. While on exchanges we decided to heart attack some doors which is always exciting and it seemed to soften some hearts because a hour later we got a text from a lady we have been trying to schedule a teaching appointment with but she never answered. AND SHE GAVE US A TIME WE CAN COME TEACH HER WOOOOO!!!! We have an appointment this WEDNESDAY and I am so stoked!

On Sunday we had this thing we call "the wish list" where our stake president came and talked to everyone second hour. He shared a message and invited everyone to send a text to the missionaries of a name of someone they wish were sitting next to them right now, and we get to follow up on them and see how we can best help. We have gotten so many referrals and the work is truly growing I can barely keep up!
It truly melts my heart seeing how willing and ready the members are. We were in our gathering council for one of our wards on Sunday as well. They were so ready to help find people and make lesson appointments for us which was AMAZING! it made my heart so happy.

Ok, let me try to relate that joke at the beginning of my email to the Gospel... I mean that's what missionaries do right? I got this. So the answer is SALSA! Haha lol. So sometimes we want to know the answers right away. We just want to scroll down and find it ourselves, which isn't all that bad, if your looking in the right places (like the scriptures). I am always asking Heavenly Father questions because I don't know what I'm doing half the time haha. I can tell ya right now he may not answer right away but if you ask with real intent and faith He will always answer. Hope all ya'll have great week! I'd love to hear anyone else's jokes! (challenge is to relate them to the gospel somehow as well) 
Sister Bailey :)

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