Saturday, December 29, 2018


  IT'S CHRISTMAS TOMORROW!!!!!!! WOOOOO I am so stoked!!!!!! I can't believe it came so fast! Speaking of Christmas. Light the world is almost over, which is so sad :( but we have been passing out light the world cards like crazy, as well as invitations to the special sacrament meeting we had this Sunday! We passed out a total of 500 cards and 135 sacrament invitations!!!! There have been many miracles and many awkward moments but overall a success.
For example one awkward moment:
*sister schoen and I walk up to a lady's home to share about light the world (we invite if they are less active or a nonmember and if they are a member we have been inviting them to give that invitation to a friend)
Schoen: "you wanna do this one?"
Me: "for surely" *right after we knock "wait is she a member? "
*opens the door... Oh no
Me: "here's and invitation to a special church meeting and here's a light the world card with ways that we can serve"
Schoen: "I'm just gonna introduce ourselves real quick hahaha *we introduce ourselves
*face palm
Many of you know I am not good at talking.... Especially on the spot haha good thing I'm not the real teacher and the Holy Ghost is because... miracle! she came to sacrament! We had a mission wide goal of 200 new people at sacrament and we went way beyond that goal!!! Wooohooooo 500+!!!!!

We also had 3 lessons this week:

Nathan and Brandon: we taught about Heavenly Father's plan for us, and what our purpose on earth is. It was a great lesson!

Janet and Ken: we taught their last new member lesson, laws and ordinances. They are doing great and loving the ward! They are so involved.

Herri and stokley: we taught the last lesson as well and we have a baptismal interview coming up next Saturday. Still on track for January 12th!

We also went caroling which was super fun and hey! I'm getting used to the cold part of Idaho finally! I think... It was in the 20s-30s earlier and this week it warmed up to the 40s-50s! And it wasn't too bad!

I hope ya'll have a fantastic Christmas! Always remember that He (our savior) is the true reason for the season. Let's all strive to keep that Christmas spirit alive and well throughout this new year! 
Love you!
-Sister Bailey :)
look at this ninja cat

the Lord is our Light


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