Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Ginger Snap !

Transfers this week so P day is today I always forget to remind ya'll..... I have a funny story though haha

Last monday:
*walks past the hair stuff in the store
Me: hey let's dye my hair
Schoen: what no I don't know how to do that
Me: come on it will be a fun comp bonding thing
Schoen: what in the world haha
Me: we will only go like one shade lighter than my natural color so it won't be a crazy difference
Schoen:.... Ok I'm down haha
*buys hair dye and Schoen colors my hair..... Turns red..... Haha opps
Red Hair Color Fiasco

Back to Blonde

Yup it somehow turned red haha but it's ok we found out that a lady in our ward can dye our hair for free so she put it back to its normal self earlier today hahaha. I had red hair for a week though so that was kind of cool.

More cool stuff:

We finally got to have another lesson with Herri and Stokley!!!! They have been sick so we haven't been able to meet. It went really well and we used a game to keep them excited and focused. We have one more lesson and they are still so excited for their baptism on January 12th! We also found out that their cousin wants to take the lessons as well! Miracles!

Nathan and Brandon are doing great and making many friends in the ward! It's hard because they are 19 and don't want to go to the young single adult ward because they have girlfriends haha. But I'm glad they are making friends! We started the new member lessons this week and they are amazing! 

We had  2  ward Christmas party's and it was a hit! There were so many new faces which we loved seeing! We have been able to come in contact with so many new people and share a message about Jesus Christ! We also got to judge a gingerbread house making contest and there was one house with a whole murder scene in it, and a ginger bread man with a knife... it was crazy... You could say that ginger snapped.... Get it haha 
Ward Christmas Party

Zone conference: for the Christmas conference we got to have a talent show and testimony meeting. I was a part of a skit that we did with my district, and a sister in the zone wanted to do a hula so I was in that as well. It was so fun but my favorite part was, of course the testimony meeting. I love Christmas time because everyone focuses on the Savior and his birth. He really is the reason for the season! Which is what the whole testimony meeting was about. The spirit is felt so strongly as you testify of Christ even if it is very simple. That's what Light the World is all about. It's about how the Savior served and ministered to everyone while he was on the earth. He was the "light" to everyone around him. As we serve those around us we can be the "light" to others just like Jesus
Zone Conference Hula

This week is light your family. That's kind of hard to do for me since I have limited contact with family. So I was thinking.... Letters, emails, helping out my mission family, ward family but also family history! 

As I was thinking I came across so many great ways to light your family! I would invite you all to light your family this week! It is an amazing experience to be involved with #lighttheworld

Last note: This upcoming Sunday is a special one hour sacrament meeting. It is a worldwide event purely focused on the Savior and what he has done for us as well as lots of beautiful music. I invite everyone to join us in the nearest church building for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Love you,
Sister Bailey :)
Idaho Humor and  Cars the Movie reference  LOL

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