Monday, December 10, 2018

HaKuna Matata

This week we had interviews with President before transfers. I FOUND OUT I'M STAYING WITH SISTER SCHOEN FOR ANOTHER TRANSFER THROUGH CHRISTMAS IN KUNA!!!!! HaKUNA Matata. No worries here!

Speaking of sister Schoen, shout out she turned 20 this past week! The big 2-0.... That's insane..... Weird.... Anyways haha it was perfect because one of the people she was teaching went through the temple for the first time to do baptisms and invited her! So while that was happening I went on splits again with Sister Thetford. We had time to set up some birthday surprises while she was gone! 
Sister Schoen's Birthday Surprise!

Also random thought before I forget, sister Schoen and I gave a talk on Sunday! I spoke about the holy ghost and his influence in our lives. And Sister Schoen spoke about seeing people as they can become. I kind of love giving talks here because you get to share a message with everyone at once. It  makes me feel like King Benjamin. You can just go up and say what you feel needs to be said and throw in some scriptures and some stories and your set.

We also had our 16th ward Christmas party! It was a HUGE success!!! There were 7 total less active/part member families!!! It was so fun and the food was fantastic... They made sure to send us home with multiple bags of food and brownies.... we have been able to help light the world and bring the food to people who may be struggling or just in need of a friend.

Speaking of light the world.... I LOVE IT! We have seen so many miracles from it already! We just finished the first week (light the world) and it seems to be going by too fast.... This past week for #lighttheworld our district went and helped fold clothes for a charity that gives clothing out to people in need and we also have been bringing goodies to people with a spiritual message! I am so excited for this week's challenge (light the community). A miracle that we had with #lighttheworld this week was when we stopped by a lady's home and invited her to the ward Christmas party that was coming up (because who doesn't want free food ?) She kinda shrugged and said she probably wouldn't go.... Then we asked if we could share a quick message. She wasn't too hip about it at first, but we shared a message about light the world and service and how the Savior is the light of the world. She opened up completely and took a book of Mormon... Wow...

Mosiah 16:9 "He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death."
The Savior truly is the light of the world. When he was on the earth he ministered and served to everyone. As we strive to be like our savior, Jesus Christ, we can be a light to the world as well, through our service. I would encourage you to visit and watch each of the 4 videos. They go along with each week of December. And I invite you to serve one another and share the message about light the world with those around you.

I love you all,
-Sister Bailey :) 

Kuna ChristmasTree Lighting 

Kuna at night

Sharing Light the World

Folding clothes with the district

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