Tuesday, December 4, 2018

It's a BLIZZARD !!!!!!

  I thought I wouldn't have a lot to talk about in this week's email because there was less days in between. Boy was I wrong. 

Saturday December 1st:
#lighttheworld worldwide day of service:
To start off our worldwide day of service we picked up some games and helped set them up for an elementary school Christmas party! It was the cutest thing ever but we couldn't stay long because after that we had a different kind of service.... A baptismal service!!!
Nathan and Brandon got baptized!!!!!! IT WAS THE BEST EVER! they had so many people to support them which was great but things definitely did not go as smoothly as hoped for....
     First off we show up 2 ish hours early to help set up chairs and fill the font. It's filling up nicely and there is about 30 minutes until it starts. Nathan and Brandon are no where to be found. Side note the font is less than half way filled and not rising any more.... 10 minutes pass they finally show up. 20 minutes till it starts. We look through the jumpsuits.... Only 2x large or baby sizes..... Seriously!? *face palm
Sister Schoen and I are feeling very stressed because we still don't know what to do about the water situation. We walk out and find a quiet place to say a prayer. We come back in feeling calm and collected and happy. We ask the person baptizing them to go in and see if they can try re plugging the drain to make sure it's tight and look through the jumpsuits one more time. We found one medium.... We can work with that. 5 minutes till it starts. Guests are arriving and we tell Nathan and Brandon to go change quickly. Miracle.... the font started filling again!
     We close the door as it fills and as we started with talks and musical numbers the spirit just filled the room. Right when they finished the talks they opened the font doors. Perfectly filled to the top *phew
     They felt on cloud 9 after the baptism and were looking forward to the confirmation even more the next day. I am so glad to have been a part in their conversion to the Lord. They truly are amazing and I am so excited to continue working with them throughout my time here in Kuna :)
     After that we headed to a church to help sort clothing. Turned out it got canceled so we are trying to think of any possible thing we could do. We grab some colorful paper and start cutting out candy canes, snowmen... snowmen? , snow flakes, trees, and stars. We wrote cute notes on them and put them on random people's doors! Then we had dinner with a lady and she needed our help delivering soup to people. It was so fun!
     To top off the whole day. IT STARTED SNOWING!!!!!!!! DECEMBER 1ST!!!!! NEITHER OF US KNOW HOW TO DRIVE IN THE SNOW!!!! we were freaking out driving so slow untill we went to this one family.... They have been very distant with other missionaries but let us in (I didn't know till after or I probably would have changed my first words to them) .... but I say...

"hahaha what.... Where are ya'll from?"

"southern California and Texas...."

"hun it's not even snowing yet... it's barely comin down"

"what no! There is so many little white snows coming down I can't even see through my windshield!"

     Anyways after that we got to know them better and they let us sit down and share a light the world message haha. It was a really good visit! And a great way to end the day.

     On Sunday one of our ward mission leaders took us for a quick practice drive in the snow. Thank goodness. He is the kindest person in the world shout out to brother McMillan.

     We had another lesson with Ken and Janet. They are doing so well with the new member discussions. They were sharing missionary experiences they have had already. They love learning new things, but I feel like they are teaching us more than we are teaching them haha. I love it! We have one more lesson to go with them.

     We found 3 new people to teach and 3 potential people we could teach this week! We stopped by one family this week to share a light the world message. The mom is a member but her husband and kids are not. We didn't have a lot of time to talk but our visit ended with her asking when and where church was, if she could have ministering sisters, and when mutual starts. Wow! A mother and her daughter came by the church building and told the bishop they wanted to start taking lessons!? Right as they told him we just happened to be walking by, score! They are so sweet and I am so excited to get to know them more. And we were able to have dinner with a family with only one member. And we were able to set a return appointment to start teaching. Praying none of these fall through!!!

I hope ya'lls week has been great! Love ya!

Sister Bailey :)

Nathan and Brandon

The font fiasco 

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