Wednesday, November 28, 2018

     Sorry I forgot to give ya'll a heads up that I wouldn't be online Monday, we had a temple trip this week (today) which counted for our prep day! The cool thing about this temple trip is that we were able to find one family name from family search and do all the work needed! But I'll get back to that... I gotta start from the beginning of my week so I don't get jumbled up on days haha. 

     First things first Thanksgiving.... 4 thanksgivings.... Yup we had Thanksgiving dinner with 4 families... (I believe I mentioned before this was a 40 lbs mission) other missionaries had 9+ meals scheduled.... The rough life of a Nampa Idaho missionary haha. We were also able to get together with our district before hand and play some turkey bowl. I was/still not good at all and I was so sore literally the whole week after that *face palm 
turkey bowl
 I'm sad Thanksgiving is over but I am so ready for Christmas!!!! Right when Thanksgiving was over Sister Schoen and I started on #lighttheworld it is such a good way to spread that Christmas cheer and bring others as well as yourself closer to Christ!!! If you haven't visited the website or watched any of the videos I strongly encourage you to do that!! We are so excited to participate in the December 1st worldwide day of service.

     Speaking of light the world we (Sister Schoen and I) have been put on the Idaho Nampa Mission Committee (it sounds way more formal than it actually is) but it's where a group of missionaries come together to point out mission problems and ways to fix them. Recently we have been discussing light the world last year, and what we can do to make it more effective this year. Sister Schoen and I have been officially been made the "hype squad" where we just get everyone pumped for light the world haha we have been posting daily funny/purpose filled videos on the mission page. But it seriously is the coolest ever and ya'll need to go check it out!!!!

     That's pretty much our week this week, meetings and sharing light the world with everyone. Our biggest update is with Nathan and Brandon. I mentioned before Nathan and Brandon have been put on date for baptism December 1st.... THIS SATURDAY WHAT!!!!!! We just had our last lesson with them this week and set a date/goal for them to go to the temple. This is how that conversation went...
Me: "will you prepare yourself to enter into the temple by setting a date to go?"
Them: "yeah of course we have been wanting to do that"
Schoen: "awesome! We know you guys wanted to be baptized on January 1st so you could start the year off right but you decided to do it earlier, maybe we could work for that so you can still start the year off right."
Nathan and Brandon: "naw the sooner the better, lets do sometime in December from the 16th-the 22nd"

Haha they are so prepared!!!! I am so excited for them to be able to experience the temple!

      Another update on Janet and Ken. They just got their temple recommends!!!! We were hoping that they would be able to come with us in the temple today but they couldn't wait, which we are more than ok with haha they went in a few days ago because they wouldn't be able to today.

Funny moment of the week: I went on exchanges with Sister Smith and it was raining. She had one of those umbrellas that pop open with a button.... It randomly popped closed right on her head! Hahaha

     Last but not least the temple trip. Like I said earlier we got to find our own family name and go through and do everything for them. That includes sealing to parents. As we sat in the room I was overcome with joy and love as I was able to reminiscence when I was sealed to my parents about 6 years ago. It was such an amazing experience and I invite all to go to the temple more often, if not inside then out on the temple grounds. There is such a strong feeling of peace.

Love you!
-Sister Bailey :)
Wall of Fame

Temple Trip

Classic Tag Pic

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