Monday, November 19, 2018

     THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST TRANSFER EVER! Sister Schoen is the best ever! We have the best district ever! This area is the best ever! The people are the best ever!... Bad news this transfer is only 5 weeks instead of that the missionaries going home can be home for Christmas.... Lame... Not really... But kind of... Anyways before I get into the deets, shout out to dad. Happy birthday! One of my favorite quotes from you that I can remember is when we were driving and you kept seeing girls riding motorcycles and you were like "hey its another girl riding a motorcycle! ... Or it's just an oddly shaped boy wearing pink yoga pants..." Haha cracks me up every time lol. Hope you had a great birthday dad love you!

Back on track. A little bit more about the area. I am in Kuna, covering 3 wards. The 6th, 8th, and, 16th wards. The members here are amazing and I feel like a celebrity haha. We are teaching 7 people, we put 2 on date this week for baptism! And 2 others have been on date for 1 week now! We have Brandon and Nathan (twins) who are getting baptized December 1st. Herri and Stokely are on date for January 12th! We have 2 people, Ken and Janet who were just baptized and we are teaching them the new member lessons. I haven't met the other person we will be teaching yet but her name is Grace.

This week I also had a glimpse of what training is like. Sister Schoen and one of her old companions sister Maschino had a baptism for a lady in their old area. So I stayed to lead the area with Sister Maschino's companion (sister Thetford) who is straight outta the MTC 4 days ago haha. So I was in the area for 4 days and I had no idea who to visit or what to do so we both winged it and it was awesome, we came in contact with so many people and were able to share an uplifting message, later finding out that it was always a struggle getting into some of those families homes! Cool!

Side note: There is a secret room in the church building that we have the keys too and it smells like bubblegum.

This week mostly consisted of getting to know the members. But we handed out 5 books of Mormon and we had 2 lessons with the people we are teaching! One with Nathan and Brandon, and we taught them about the Commandments. They are amazing, they are so willing to follow the Lord and anything that he commands. And the second lesson we had was with Ken and Janet. They are the sweetest couple you could ever meet. Love them. We talked about the plan of salvation, or plan of happiness. The where did I come from, what is my purpose on earth, and where am I going. I am so happy to have the opportunity to help them come closer to Christ.

This week we also focused on light the world. I would encourage everyone to participate, right now there are over 60000 participants! If you head on over to there is a nifty video showing what it is. On December first it is the worldwide day of service! You can also find different ways to serve @! We are still thinking about what to do.

We also have been focusing on gratitude with Thanksgiving coming up. I actually recently read about gratitude in my personal study. I was reading in Mosiah about King Benjamin's speech to the people. King Benjamin had multitudes of people gathered around to hear him, so many that he had to build a tower to project his voice. But even that wasn't good enough! He had to have scribes write down what he was saying so the people in the far back could read his words! Thank goodness for technology these days haha. But anyways one of the fist things that he talks about with all of these people is service! It must be pretty important if that is the first thing he talks about with this great multitude. Then he talks about gratitude, they go hand in hand! My favorite verses are Mosiah 2:17-20. He talks about how we can serve others and we can serve God, our Heavenly Father by serving others and by praying to him. I felt like that went perfect with Thanksgiving coming up as well as light the world, service and gratitude.

I hope all of you are having a great time. I love you all!

Sister Bailey :)
 Sister Schoen saw this Santa outta the corner of her eye and she was like "AH I THOUGHT THAT WAS A KID WITH A BEARD!"


After !

Our District

Frost! Burrrr

We have slowly been adding pumpkins to our ward mission leader's home, i don't think they have noticed yet. ha ha

Splits with Sister Maschino and Sister Thetford

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