Monday, November 5, 2018

Halloween Missionary Style

Funny moment of the week: On Sunday we sat in primary and they were talking about testimonies. The teacher asked what the kids have a testimony of. One kid shouted "I know Jesus is true!" it was the cutest/funniest thing ever.

 We met with all of the auxiliaries, bishopric, ward council, members, people who used to be taught, youth, and missionaries serving out from our wards. We shared a spiritual thought with the members (usually Alma 13:24 the Lord is preparing the hearts of people to receive the gospel) and we asked each group a different specific question to them (who has been on your heart, or in your mind that may be prepared to be taught or receive the gospel? What can you do? What can we do?) . And we invited them to act on the question. We mostly got the names of less actives that we already stop by and visit but we got them to really be thinking about people who could be prepared. They know we are looking and need their help. I am excited to see what happens.

This week we focused on less active members to help strengthen their testimonies and faith. We started with an elderly couple who actually aren't less active, they want to feel like they are a part of the ward but they are in an assisted living home and need the sacrament brought to them. I felt like I fit right in from when I would go to elderly homes when I was little. We met them all and we shared a message haha it was a blast!

Miracle! We were able to catch a less active lady who is always out or working. Her husband is not a member and kind of anti. We got to meet with her and her daughter and share a message with them. She appreciated our visit and was going to be in the hospital for heart surgery 2 days later. She said we caught her just at the right time!

For Halloween we had to be inside by 6 and couldn't pass out any candy :( but we were able to go to a less actives Halloween block party for a few minutes. We got hot dogs and lots of candy!

halloween block party

We got to have a scripture study with Violet and Carrie and we found out that Violet is getting her patriarchal blessing and Carrie's year mark is up in February to get baptized! I'm so excited for those two!

Update on the Subianos: We helped them organize and put away groceries and we have a scheduled lesson with them this Wednesday!

One night specifically was so hard to talk to people.... It was the big BSU/BYU game. Everyone here takes BSU games sooo seriously.... People are oddly obsessed... The whole city just kind of shut down....

Sunday night we joined in at the youth fireside at bishops home. He told us a story about how he did swim in high school and some kids would dangle their feet in the water and others would just dive in head first and work hard. He related it to the youth as members of the church we sometimes dangle our feet in the water (not praying as often or sincerely as we should, only going to church because our parent make us ect.) then he asked how we can change that, how we can jump in head first. Then at the end he invited us to come up and talk with them. We shared about how one thing we can do to dive in head first is by sharing the gospel with our friends. We invited them to go through their friends list and message a friend right then and share their testimony. It was so cool to see how some were very willing and ready to do it!
Hope you had a good week!
Love, Sister Bailey :)

We found this cool garden

Halloween 2018

This is what happens when you stop by one too many times... LOL

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