Thursday, July 25, 2019

My Companion had Surgery!?!?!

Ok, literally you guys my companion had surgery. Wut!! It was actually crazy, we have been on the down low this week recovering. Yes WE. I had to watch a drain tube get pulled out of her stomach.... I need to recover. Jk jk I'm good. I feel bad for Sister Karsten though it was pretty rough. She is doing good now. We had so many ward members looking out for us and letting us know they were here for us. They are the BEST! 

After a couple days she was up and well,(all because of moms emergency speedy recovery box thank goodness) she is still a bit sore but doing good! We were able to get out and meet/talk to a bunch of people at the Miner's Jubilee they had this week in Baker. Isn't that the cutest thing you have ever heard? Oh my! this town is the best. They had a parade and lots of food. We helped out at the book sale! We helped organize the books and talk to the customers. They even had old Books of Mormon for sale! 

After that we had a stake pioneer day event in La Grande. Tori (the person we are teaching) was able to come too! She is 17 and was not super excited about celebrating pioneers Haha but she had fun! I think she thought we were just gonna sit and talk about them all day lol. MOM!! they had a rope the steer station! Except they had the fancy real life lasso ropes and the 6 year old's kept showing me up.... how do they even know how to work those things? Don't worry though I got it now. I even have pics to prove it.

The last main event. I would say the best part of the whole week, was our lesson with Jess. I love teaching people the gospel! Seeing them have a desire to do what is right and seeing their testimony grow!!! Its the best! I never knew how much I missed it till we were out recovering for a few days. To think that its slowly coming to a close makes me so sad.... we won't think about that now. We taught about the different commandments that God gives us and why. It's amazing to see the small sacrifices we make are nothing compared to the blessings we receive from them! I know that Heavenly Father knows and is aware of EVERYONE! And He has a major plan for all of us! I love this gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know it's true. I hope y'all have a great week!
Sister Bailey :)

Pictures to come......

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