Monday, September 2, 2019

Happy September !

Hey everyone!!! Happy September! I had a little scare moment yesterday because it was September and that meant summer was over and it's about to get cold.... like real cold.... I'm not too sure what winter in Baker Oregon looks like.... but I can tell you, I will know it when I see it. *casually unpacks all winter clothing

OH PACKING!!! that is something I will not be doing! We had transfers and I am staying in Baker!!!!!!!! For at least another 6 weeks! Sister Karsten will be heading to Meridian and my new companion will be..... drum roll...... 2 NEW COMPANIONS!? Yeah I'm literally in a trio! Its gonna be so fun, except right now we are in the stage of figuring out how to make 2 beds, 2 desks, 2 cupboards, 2 closets, 2 chairs into 3! Usually the housing coordinators bring up supplies we need for the house but it's so far out here and they only have 1 truck for the trip, we will have to ask around for ideas from the members Haha. I'm excited though!

Speaking of moving, Sister Karsten and I helped unload some things in Sumpter! Linda, a lady we are teaching, and her brother are moving from Baker to Sumpter in a month so we got to help unload some of their things! And guess what. They live in a lot owned by a member, he's not active but he is super positive about the church and kept telling Linda how much she needs to join the church and bonding all while they are both smoking *lol face palm but it was nice to talk with all of them!

Sofia is officially on date for Saturday the 21st! (Do you remember the 21st night of September 🎢🎡 haha) Woohoo! She is very very excited and so are we! She made us the cutest little monsters inc. perler bead things! I'll have to send a picture!

Random moment this week: We did a super duper random trip to Halfway (where our branch is) this week. We always have a hard time seeing everyone we want because of people's different schedules BUT this week there was a fair. So everyone was in town, if not for the food, then for the stock show. So we packed our stuff and headed an hour to Halfway. We saw so many people it was AWESOME! We also stopped at a family's home. The parents are members but don't go to church and they have a daughter who is about 11 who started going to church all by herself. We stopped by to talk to them and she wants to take the lessons and be baptized! I am so excited for her! We are going to try to set up a video call lesson every so often because they re so far out, its hard to get there every week :(

We also did some service for Joni! Joni is interested in learning more and so we stopped by and talked for a bit to get to know her and she pointed to her tree in the front with loads and loads of Apricots and asked if we want any! She said she cant get around to picking them all and so we went out and helped her pick most of them so they didn't just fall and get squished on the ground. We were able to fill a huge box to give out to people! But story time: while picking the fruit I was naturally looking up into the tree. This tree is filled with little black bugs. ew. I reached up to grab one and BOOM bug fell off the fruit straight into my eye! It hurt so bad but it looked like we got it all out but it still hurt so bad, and we just thought it was because we were messing with it so much but we didn't see anything else. The next morning I woke up with a huge piece of something in my eye! Gross. I got it all out now... hopefully but I'm pretty sure I almost went blind hahaha.

Ok going off of the picking the fruit off the tree. I was reading in the beginning of the book of Mormon about Lehi's vision of the tree of life. I thought it was interesting. I have picked a lot of fruit off of trees and in order to do that, you have to reach up and pick the fruit then bring it back to you, or your bucket. In the vision in the Book if Mormon it tells us he saw "other multitudes pressing forward; and they came and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press their way forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron, until they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree."

I thought that was interesting. They fell down and then partook of the fruit. They didn't reach up and partake of the fruit. Then I continued reading a couple chapters later.

"Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw?
And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things.
And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most joyous to the soul.
And after he had said these words, he said unto me: Look! And I looked, and I beheld the Son of God going forth among the children of men; and I saw many fall down at his feet and worship him."

Let us all remember the love God has for us, by the many blessings he gives us. Let us fall down to worship him when we do feel his love and partake if it. We will be strengthened through it.

I love you all!

Sister Bailey :)

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